The origins of ARB go back to 1975, when company founder, Tony Brown, was inspired by a 4WDing trip through the top end of Australia.

Back then, 4WDers relied on homemade or ill-fing equipment that was not designed for extensive Outback expedions. Endless corrugated roads, extreme temperatures, and the heavy loads carried by Australian travellers were tremendously punishing on vehicles that regularly tackled these kinds of condions. Tony’s many years spent toiling on his Series 1 Land Rover proved extremely beneficial to others in the top end during his travels. Damaged bull bars and broken roof racks ensured Tony’s experse was regularly called upon, and through this experience an idea was born – well engineered, durable equipment that would meet the vigorous demands of 4WD owners.

Upon his return to Melbourne, Tony put theory into pracse, and began working in the family garage to address some of the product deficiencies he’d encountered on his trip. It was exactly what Australian 4WDers had been waing for, and ARB, the inials of Anthony Ronald Brown, was founded. Today, ARB is Australia’s largest manufacturer and distributor of 4×4 accessories.

We have a vast internaonal presence, with offices in the USA, Europe and the Middle East, and an export network that extends through more than 100 countries around the globe. Our philosophy, however, has never wavered from its original course – quality, reliability and praccality above all else.


To ensure our products consistently meet your expectaons, ARB invests substanal capital into research and design each year.

Our design and engineering team ulises the latest CAD, CAM parametric modelling systems and finite element analysis packages, and is supported by independent companies and universies for special projects like vibraon, strength and crash tesng.

We also devote considerable me and resources toward sourcing new products from around the world. IPF lights from Japan, Warn winches from the United States… we scan the globe in search of equipment that meets both the demands of our customers and our own stringent quality requirements. In addion, we are constantly on the lookout for new ways to improve our business pracces, from distribuon to customer service. ARB is a Quality Endorsed Company and wherever we can, we endeavour to ‘raise the bar’.


ARB connues to maintain its posion as an innovator in the industry by ulising the most modern, state-of-the-art fabricaon equipment and machinery.

Today’s requirements for more complex designs are met with highly advanced, Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) sheet fabricaon facilies. ARB’s producon facilies are equipped with a range of state-of-the-art machinery suited to the manufacture of metal products. Our manufacturing capabilies include laser cung, brake pressing, guilloning, CNC bending, machining and turning. We’re equipped with MIG, TIG, robot and spot welding facilies and also have powder coang and spray painng centres.

We have a stringent quality control system in place, ensuring our exceponally high standards are maintained. These factors, combined with our level of automaon, enable us to produce some of the finest 4WD accessories in the world.



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